This chicken decided to lay an egg in one of my sister herbs.

Don't they know they have a million dollar chicken coup for such things?

I guess this one does

The all line up on that 2x4 to roost at night

Chicken pharmacy?

They probably have the best free range area in all of North America

All this for free eggs. She only started raising chickens because her daughter made her an egg collecting apron.                                           Have I ever mentioned to not believe everything I write?

She inherited this turtle some 22 years ago. I just fed it this once and now it thinks we are related and keeps following me around.

Just for fun

I've moved on to my other sisters house and my aunts sister came over to visit for awhile. 

My B-I-L is studying up for our next project

Shari is a great cook and Edith looks like her mouth is watering already :)

After I left San Diego and crossed into AZ, the riding temps were getting a little uncomfortable and I still had 180 miles to go.

By riding after dark, it had finally cooled off 19 degrees by the time I pulled into my garage.

A much shorter trip than last year, but still over 6,000 miles.
I enjoyed most of this trip but I'm discovering that my old body isn't able to take what it did just a couple of years ago. Next years ride will be much shorter as in half or less.



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