She has carried me to many places and never a breakdown or even minor repair yet due to a factory issue.

It was right here that it happened

I'd wager that I'm not the only one to take a picture of this while rolling along.

After enduring three days of 100* plus days and not thinking once to replenish my electrolytes, we arrived with me being as sick as I can remember in many years from heat exhaustion. I said my quick hello's and then headed to the rain locker to try and cool out. Even after four days, I am still trying to regain what little strength this old body still has. 

When Sherm and I awoke the  next morning we took the CAR into Sturgis where I got some electrolytes to try and start my road to recovery. Replacing those had an almost immediate  effect on how I felt, but still a long way to go.

Sherm heard that the Rapid City Powersports had a 900 Kawasaki that he thought he would like, he didn't. On the otherhand, I think these Vanderhall's are way cooler than the Slingshots.

Fortunately at my age, there is nothing in my future. :)

Twenty some years ago, Sherm leased this lot and sold his Kwik Kamp Trailers here during bike week.

A lot has changed over the years but one thing that is unchanged is that during bike week you would find it impossible to take a picture without lots of bikes in it and you would rarely find a car in one of your pictures.

I just can't believe it......................

................Sherm finally found his forever bike!

Meanwhile back at the motel, most of the guest have finally arrived.

One of the few eating establishments in Whitewood, SD

The Bar section didn't seem too busy

Neither were the building across the street.

Still not sure if it's open or closed, read the sign. Don't complain, put your glasses on and get your magnifying glass out.

For twenty years this has been a second family for me.

I felt so bad because every day Sherm would search the entire ten acres of motel lot trying to find a better WiFi signal and not even once.............

Looks like Teresa was put in charge of grounds beautification! It's either that or they all are talking about us.

Finally we are riding again. I must be feeling a little better but still croaky sounding as ever.

The yellow bumble bee is my buddy Mark.

Looky there, he's waving at me, he must have thought I was waving at him when I was just taking pics.

The front bike is Joe and Yvette, the second is Wolf, the third is Dave.

It's always fun to take pictures of dinosaurs and I'm not talking about the wires.

By this age one should learn how to stay out of trouble. Busted for going 90+ on his scooter through a crosswalk, unbelievable.

I think we're riding through Keystone.

I looked all over for my favorite Biden hat but no luck.

Back in the hills

Some of the Greats

Some of the greats riding past some of the Greats

There he goes again, I guess I'll just have to run him down.

Riding Needles Highway now separates you from $20

Can we all fit through there?

Have you considered single file?

Apparently it's all approved parking.

You go first

There is a light at the end of the tunnel!   It appears to be about 20k lumens.

This monolith has gone by many names but is currently called Big Rock

Victoria here is one of Sherm's favorites

She told me when the cat's away, Victoria will play

Did I mention we are in Wall Drug?

You can still hitch your horse

My second trip to J&P this trip. I still haven't bought anything but Dave got a new brighter headlight bulb for his Nomad.

Headlight off

Old bulb on

New bulb oh

New bulb on but on low beam.

Last night at the rally and the 50-50 fundraiser

Lot's of goodies. I never win anything at these, but tonight I felt like I may have been the overall winner

After the 50-50 we had a surprise 50th Anniversary celebration for Mark and Wanda.

Flip is one of my favorite people to ride with

No bike this year as it's a family vacation with the wife, kid and station wagon. lol

Having been certified as the least observant person in the world, there are some things that I have ridden past several times and never seen. This be one of them.

Just because I liked it.

This was my intended destination for the day. After I got there, it wasn't

Some of the beauty you see rolling down that long lonesome highway.

The Battle of Little Bighorn NM

A few years back Tom Miller took me on a ride past a famous civil war battlefield in Kentucky. Later I went back to it and walk around. The thoughts in my mind then grieved my very soul knowing brothers were killing each other no matter the reason. Today I had that same feeling come back as I walked through these fields where so very many men were slain.

A child

Everywhere you looked, it just didn't end.

Some kind of ugly flower

The butterfly's loved them.

I ended up in Billings at a long term rental motel specializing with contractors.

He had one room he couldn't rent because it needed a couple of small upgrades. While I was talking to one of his customers about where I could find a similar place, I think the manager took pity on me and rented it. It ALWAYS pays to be respectful



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