I saw this sign in Florence, OR and made an illegal u-turn right in front of a cop to take a picture of it. He ignored me.

I was liking the look of the beaches in the area so took a few pics.

I think the rocks rock

I had to rush from my son's to coos bay so I could join Sherm and his friends at this Marimba Concert

They are made from wood and PVC pipe

Made up of two high school groups. the Baharu group are the lower class group and the  Baduku are the seniors.

It was fun, but all of the songs sort of sound the same

Our group of seven

During intermission I needed to use the rest room.

I used the opportunity to take a few pictures of the  beach just past the rest rooms

They had some beautiful rock formations and those made for some interesting breaking of the waves.

It also made the time I would watch the Marimba kids much shorter.

When I first glanced towards these rocks, I thought they were seals

You can read about the history of the area in the Observation Building

The gardens used to be much better kept before covid. Once the flowers caught it, they never fully recovered from it.

The Seniors group was a little stronger. Interpret that to plays louder.
 Both groups had way too much energy.

After the Marimbas we had an early dinner at Miller Bar and Grill

Fish and Chips seemed to be the most popular choice.

They must have offered 6 variations of F&C

After dinner it was off to the Little Ole Opry at the Liberty Theater

It an old building that has been beautifully renovated

The Performers came in all shapes, sizes, colors, and talent levels

One had to appreciate that they each gave their all in their performances.

I didn't care for this gals choice of song, but I thought she had some real talent.

This lady gave a most beautiful rendition of How Great Thou Art

A nice looking young man and a good voice

This gal is fresh out of high school but I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't make it in some sort of show business.

All in all a very fun evening

I think for both the performers and the audience.

They are waving goodbye because it's over

I think the band was just some very talented local guys

After Karen and Preston put us all up for the night (thanks again so much), we all went for breakfast at this place this morning. Since I've forgotten the name of the place, I'll just call it Lucy's

I ordered the "Authentic"  I could only eat a third of it so I took it with me in a box. I ate another third of it in Brookings, and then the last third for dinner here in Garberville, CA

Some of the couples ordered the same thing but cut it in half and just got another plate.

I couldn't resist the urge to take Dock Drive Road in Port Orford

That's probably not the actual name of the road, but let's just say it is

Another cool beach

I thought it was neat that you could drive right out onto the dock

They lift them out of the water with those yellow cranes and place them on boat dollies and wheel them wherever they need to be.

I took this for those of you that have wondered what steers the boat

I'll bet your first thought about the meaning of these names were all wrong. lol

All this time I thought she was in Lincoln City! 

That might not be a real safe place to be jumping around

Hard to believe it's been almost 20 years since I brought Patience here on one of our trips

That's a lot of concrete

Another 70 miles and I'll be at the end of my trail for the day too!

There is a special enchanted feeling that engulfs you when you start driving through the redwoods.

They make everything little

I'm so glad that I can say I'm one of Them!



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