Quick stop in Kingman for tacos as I start my first trip of the year.

Sherm gave me instructions for how to get to Pancho's but following those I arrived here which is not Pancho's.

I have ridden over this bridge at least two times a year since it was built and I've always wanted to stop and use the walkway. I never seemed to have the time until this year. Now I'm a little worried about being able to climb to the top. Ugh!

On the way up I needed to stop and rest so I took a picture so all of the other people climbing wouldn't think I was a wimp.

Another rest stop.

Hoover Dam. Lake Mead is still pretty low.

A lot of horsepower of electricity is generated here.

Looks like Arizona has a bridge to nowhere too!

From the current water level to the top of the high water mark on those rocks is currently 154'

From the walk way you can see the highway (I-11) as well as the dam.

From the highway you can only see the pedestrians heads.

The geologist or civil engineers did a lot of test drilling to find out about the ground they were going to build the bridge on.

I'll bet the wheel chair guys have fun on the way back to the parking lot.

My girl

A little less crowed the day after.

The Aria where I'll spend the next couple of nights

A few views from our 19th floor room.

Aircraft departing Las Vegas

Sarah took me to Emeril's for dinner

It's way too fancy for me but I put on my Sunday best at least that I could carry on a motorcycle.

The waiter was having a hard time trying to explain what this morsel of food was. I think it nearly killed him when he had to resort to comparing it to pork rinds which it actually is.

Crabcake and Surf and Turf

Just look at that cute little mermaid tail.

Neither of these portions were all that large, but we both walked away stuffed.

This lion was running around licking everyone.

After dinner Sarah took me to see Cirque du Soleil

The show was amazing but they didn't allow any photography so this is all you get.

Waiting for a taxi after the show.

Susan, is that you?  (inside joke)

A few pics from the room after dark.

Leaving Las Vegas

On our way to Death Valley

The other road where Forest Gump quit running 

Looking east towards Mt Charleston 

Tecopa Rd is pretty boring until you reach this point.

I told Sarah that all of that white stuff was salt, then asked if she wanted to taste it. Her answer, "kind of" I tried it too. Salty with a hint of carbonate of soda.

All of the depression are full of water this year.

Approaching Shoshone from the south.

We stopped at the crowbar for half a lunch

At the Crowbar, the bathrooms have been brought inside and completely remodeled.

A few changes inside too

Is this phone booth new? I'm not sure, but it is operational.

Makes sense since there is no cell service

The road to Dante's Peak.................Closed, Ugh!!!

Patiently waiting for her dad to rest on our hike to the top of Zabriskie Point.

Reminds me of a chocolate swirl cake

Normally this is a pathway of salt that is covered by people walking out there for over a mile or so.

Now you would have to wade out there for over a mile or so....................or NOT!

The Borax wagons and water tank that they pulled with the 20 Mule teams.

The mules were replaced by a steam tractor and that was replaced by this engine.

The outdoor museum at Furnace Creek

A quick stop at the Borax works where the borax was concentrated before shipping the 165 mile trip.

Ruins from the mining days.

The contrasting colors are what make this valley so beautiful

Tom Kelly's bottle house in Rhyolite

Originally the Rhyolite Train Station later being converted to a casino.

The art park at Rhyolite is still there, buts seems to have decayed slightly since I was there last.

It was nice to see the artist there touching up some of her pieces!

What would a trip to Death Valley be without stopping at Nevada's largest candy store.

When she walked by the first time I knew he was going to try and get his hooks into her when she came back by.

Eddie's World


A walk through the Atrium at the Bellagio. It is the year of the Dragon.

Cops ride Harley's in Vegas

Breakfast in Paris

First fairly priced meal in Vegas and the food was excellent. We each ate half and then switched plates. Even then we left half of it on the plates.

I took this picture for a reason, but can't remember why.

Back in the Atrium

The statues are fake, the petals are real. I think these gals have a full time job just keeping the petals fresh all of the time.

Sarah wanted me to shake this money tree

This chocolate fountain was flowing white and dark chocolate.

And just like that my $10 was gone!

Having three days to mull over Sherm's directions, I finally found the place.

Food was good too!

Beautiful daughter and proud father!

Patio at the Crowbar

Where we had breakfast and also my daughters favorite restaurant in the whole world, at least in Vegas.



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