
Showing posts from June, 2024
She has carried me to many places and never a breakdown or even minor repair yet due to a factory issue. It was right here that it happened I'd wager that I'm not the only one to take a picture of this while rolling along. After enduring three days of 100* plus days and not thinking once to replenish my electrolytes, we arrived with me being as sick as I can remember in many years from heat exhaustion. I said my quick hello's and then headed to the rain locker to try and cool out. Even after four days, I am still trying to regain what little strength this old body still has.  When Sherm and I awoke the  next morning we took the CAR into Sturgis where I got some electrolytes to try and start my road to recovery. Replacing those had an almost immediate  effect on how I felt, but still a long way to go. Sherm heard that the Rapid City Powersports had a 900 Kawasaki that he thought he would like, he didn't. On the otherhand, I think these Vanderhall's are way cooler tha