
Showing posts from February, 2024
Quick stop in Kingman for tacos as I start my first trip of the year. Sherm gave me instructions for how to get to Pancho's but following those I arrived here which is not Pancho's. I have ridden over this bridge at least two times a year since it was built and I've always wanted to stop and use the walkway. I never seemed to have the time until this year. Now I'm a little worried about being able to climb to the top. Ugh! On the way up I needed to stop and rest so I took a picture so all of the other people climbing wouldn't think I was a wimp. Another rest stop. Hoover Dam. Lake Mead is still pretty low. A lot of horsepower of electricity is generated here. Looks like Arizona has a bridge to nowhere too! From the current water level to the top of the high water mark on those rocks is currently 154' From the walk way you can see the highway (I-11) as well as the dam. From the highway you can only see the pedestrians heads. The geologist or civil engineers did a