
This chicken decided to lay an egg in one of my sister herbs. Don't they know they have a million dollar chicken coup for such things? I guess this one does The all line up on that 2x4 to roost at night Chicken pharmacy? They probably have the best free range area in all of North America All this for free eggs. She only started raising chickens because her daughter made her an egg collecting apron.                                           Have I ever mentioned to not believe everything I write? She inherited this turtle some 22 years ago. I just fed it this once and now it thinks we are related and keeps following me around. Just for fun I've moved on to my other sisters house and my aunts sister came over to visit for awhile.  My B-I-L is studying up for our next project Shari is a great cook and Edith looks like her mouth is watering already :) After I left San Diego and crossed into AZ, the riding temps were getting a little uncomfortable and I still had 180 miles to go. By
I saw this sign in Florence, OR and made an illegal u-turn right in front of a cop to take a picture of it. He ignored me. I was liking the look of the beaches in the area so took a few pics. I think the rocks rock I had to rush from my son's to coos bay so I could join Sherm and his friends at this Marimba Concert They are made from wood and PVC pipe Made up of two high school groups. the Baharu group are the lower class group and the  Baduku are the seniors. It was fun, but all of the songs sort of sound the same Our group of seven During intermission I needed to use the rest room. I used the opportunity to take a few pictures of the  beach just past the rest rooms They had some beautiful rock formations and those made for some interesting breaking of the waves. It also made the time I would watch the Marimba kids much shorter. When I first glanced towards these rocks, I thought they were seals You can read about the history of the area in the Observation Building The gardens use